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20 Ucapan Selamat Sore dalam Bahasa Inggris, Sweet Banget Kalimatnya

Ucapkan selamat sore dengan kalimat keren

Ilustrasi langit sore. (pexels.com/GEORGE DESIPRIS)

Mengucapkan selamat sore kepada pasangan dan sahabat mungkin jadi salah satu pesan yang penuh makna. Kalimatnya bisa berupa motivasi hingga rayuan mesra. 

Yuk, simak 20 ucapan selamat sore dalam bahasa inggris melalui artikel di bawah ini! Kamu bisa kirim untuk menebarkan pesan positif.

Baca Juga: 20 Ide Ucapan Selamat Pagi dalam Bahasa Inggris, Gak Mager Seharian!

1. Ucapkan selamat sore pada pasangan kamu agar dia makin cinta dengan kirim kalimat di bawah ini

Ilustrasi langit sore. (pexels.com/Dương Nhân)

"Good evening, my love. This evening the sun is setting but my love for you will never fade."

“Good afternoon my dear, even though the sky is dimming, the sun is lost for a moment, but my love for you will always stay the same”

"Always happy to spend the evening with you, good afternoon my dear."

"You are the twilight for me, spreading happiness and warmth."

2. Kalau kamu LDR, ini nih kalimat yang cocok untuk merayu pasangan biar makin disayang

Ilustrasi langit sore. (pexels.com/Thái Huỳnh)

"As far as the eye can see, I only see the beautiful sky and your charm, good afternoon my favorite person."

"This afternoon sky is full of clouds while my head is full of you. Good afternoon, have a nice day."

"It seems that the sun is setting in your eyes because I see the extraordinary beauty there, good afternoon my love."

"Honey, good afternoon, the thing I liked the most was twilight, now my world is turned to you."

Baca Juga: 20 Ucapan Selamat Pagi Lucu, Sambut Hari dengan Tawa!

3. Ucapan selamat sore ini juga bisa untuk menyapa teman-teman kamu di media sosial

Ilustrasi langit sore. (pexels.com/Jonathan Petersson)

"If the sun is too hot and the night is too dark, the afternoon is the right time to have fun. Good afternoon everyone!"

"Good afternoon for those of you who are struggling from the tiredness of life."

"Good afteroon to my friends who are still struggling in life. You are strong just like the sun that never gives up spreading beauty."

"Keep smiling and happy, may this afternoon be full of fun."

4. Ajak teman, keluarga dan orang-orang di sekitarmu untuk menikmati sore yang indah

Ilustrasi langit sore. (pexels.com/Ahmed S Shalapy)

"If you are too busy chasing what you don't have, the sunset is always faithfully waiting for you outside the house. Good afternoon everyone!"

"It's okay to fail, as long as you never give up. Good afternoon to those of you who continue to struggle and believe that life will be fine."

"Dusk is the best time to rest from the tired world. Good afternoon!"

"This afternoon is beautiful, try to look out the window and feel the calm."

Baca Juga: 20 Ucapan Selamat dalam Bahasa Inggris, Kirim untuk Sahabat dan Pacar

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