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25 Ucapan Selamat Tinggal Pakai Bahasa Inggris, Haru & Menyayat Hati

Orang yang membacanya akan tersentuh dengan kalimat ini

Ilustrasi perempuan sedih. (unsplash.com/Anthony Tran)

Ucapan selamat tinggal biasanya disampaikan ketika hendak berpisah dengan orang terkasih. Sebagai kalimat terakhir sebelum berpisah dengan orang yang kamu sayang, kalimat perpisahan sebaiknya mengandung kata-kata yang penuh haru dan berkesan. 

Inilah beberapa referensi ucapan selamat tinggal bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu ucapkan atau kirim kepada sahabat, keluarga atau pasangan sebelum berpisah. Pakai bahasa inggris akan membuat ucapan perpisahan lebih menyayat hati. 

1. Ucapkan selamat tinggal dengan pasangan menggunakan kalimat penuh haru di bawah ini

ilustrasi pasangan (pixabay.com/pasja1000)

"Goodbye, my beloved, the days with you I will always remember."

"Farewell is a very hard thing for me, because a moment without you, the longing in me burns. Goodbye My dear."

"With a heavy heart, I have to say goodbye, even though without you my life is no longer perfect."

"There is no meeting without farewell, I will miss you every day. Goodbye my love."

"There is no farewell that is harder than seeing you go. Goodbye my love."

2. Kamu juga bisa katakan hal ini jika berpisah dengan temanmu untuk membuat hatinya tersentuh

Ilustrasi berpisah. (pixabay/loilamtan)

"Goodbye, my friend, I'm sure this isn't a goodbye because I'm sure I won't lose you."

"Farewell with you is a sad thing, but you have left a lot of precious memories."

"I will always wait for you until you come back. Goodbye, my friend."

"I will never forget you, because your name is always in my heart. Goodbye friend."

" I will always remember all the beautiful memories with you. Goodbye my friend."


Baca Juga: 20 Ucapan Selamat Sore, Inspiratif dan Romantis untuk Orang Terkasih

3. Sampaikan juga betapa penting dia dalam hidupmu dengan kalimat perpisahan ini

Ilustrasi perpisahan. (Unsplash.com/Allef Vinicius)

"Farewell is not easy for me, but for the sake of your bright future, I am willing to hold back. Goodbye, to you."

"Thank you for being a friend in every step of my way, goodbye."

"I’m not sure if I can get through the day without you. But I have to let you go, goodbye."

"Angels will spread their wings to protect you. Goodbye, be careful on the way."

"Watching you go was hard for me. I hope happiness accompanies your departure."

4. Ucapkan kata perpisahan memang berat, tapi jika harus melakukannya, pastikan kalimat yang kamu sampaikan berkesan

Ilustrasi berpisah (pexels.com/Anna Shvets)

"Farewell is always there to be a new beginning for you. Goodbye, My Rose."

"There is no harder word than "Good bye" to the person that I loved."

"Holding back the longing is hard, but your determination is much bigger. Goodbye, my dear, I hope the choice you make will not disappoint you."

"No matter how far you go, I will always waiting for you. Like a home that is always there for you to come back."

"Goodbye my friend, my love for you will not fade even though you are far away."

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