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10 Ucapan Pray for Itaewon untuk Caption Media Sosial

Semoga semuanya lekas membaik, ya!

Polisi tengah mengecek tempat kejadian perkara pasca tragedi perayaan Halloween di Itaewon, Seoul, Korea Selatan, Sabtu (29/10/2022) malam. (Dok. Yonhap)

Deretan ucapan "Pray for Itaewon" berikut bisa kamu gunakan untuk mengungkapkan rasa belasungkawamu terharap para korban pesta Halloween Itaewon. IDN Times juga sudah merangkum 10 ucapan "Pray for Itaewon" lengkap dengan versi bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesianya.

Selain itu, kamu juga bisa menggunakan kata-kata ini sebagai caption di media sosialmu. Yuk, langsung aja pilih 10 ucapan "Pray for Itaewon" yang ingin kamu gunakan di bawah ini!

1. Ucapan Pray for Itaewon dalam bahasa Inggris

ilustrasi kehilangan seseorang (pexels.com/Liza Summer)
  1. Pray for Itaewon. My deepest sympathy on your sad loss. I hope that our God grants you and your family the strength and the peace during this difficult time.
  2. I was deeply saddened to learn the news. Pray for Itaewon.
  3. This must be so hard for you. I pray that the love of God enfolds you during this time of sorrow. Pray for Itaewon.
  4. Pray for Itaewon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  5. Pray for Itaewon. Although no words can really help to ease the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thoughts and prayers

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