25 Ucapan Kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sampaikan kasih ke keluarga dan rekan terdekatmu

Bagi umat Kristiani, Hari Kenaikan Yesus Kristus menandai momen penting untuk memperingati Yesus naik ke atas surga, tepat empat puluh hari setelah kebangkitan-Nya. Momen ini menjadi waktu untuk refleksi, perayaan, dan pembaharuan iman bagi jutaan orang Kristiani di seluruh dunia.

Dalam merayakan hari yang spesial ini, ungkapan sukacita dan berkat pun sudah sepatutnya tulus berlimpah. Kamu dapat menyebarkan kasih Tuhan lewat ucapan kepada keluarga dan rekan terdekatmu. Yuk, simak 25 ucapan kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam Bahasa Inggris yang beri kesan hangat berikut ini!

1. Ucapan dengan penuh kegembiraan

25 Ucapan Kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam Bahasa Inggrisilustrasi gereja katedral. (pixabay.com/astama81)

1. Happy Ascension Day! May the love and blessings of Jesus Christ be with us all. May we also spread His kindess everyday.

2. Let us celebrate the victory of Christ ascending to heaven. May our hope and faith grow stronger.

3. Blessed Ascension of our Lord Jesus. May we continue to live according to His will and glorify His name.

4. With joy, we commemorate Ascension Day. May peace be with us always and forever.

5. Happy Ascension Day! May the light of Christ illuminate every step we take each day. Believe in him in everything that you do.

2. Lengkapi dengan ayat alkitab

25 Ucapan Kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam Bahasa InggrisIlustrasi gereja (unsplash.com/Nagesh Badhu)

6. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16) - Happy Ascension Day!

7. On this blessed day, may you experience the power of His resurrection in your life. (Philippians 3:10)

8. "I am going there to prepare a place for you." (John 14:2) - Happy Ascension Day. May we be among those prepared a place in the Father's house.

9. Wishing you a joyful Ascension Day, may His love surround you always. (Philippians 2:9-11)

10. "For Christ died for all, so that those who live might no longer live for themselves, but for him who died and was raised for them." (2 Corinthians 5:15) - Happy Ascension Day!

3. Sampaikan pula doa yang baik dalam ucapanmu

25 Ucapan Kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam Bahasa InggrisGereja Katolik Santo Cornelius Surabaya (keuskupansurabaya.org)

11. May the sacrifice and Ascension of Jesus Christ bring salvation to us all. Happy commemorating!

12. On the occasion of the Ascension of the Lord Jesus, let us pray for peace and happiness for all.

13. May the wisdom of the Ascension of Jesus Christ bring us closer to God's path. Happy celebrating!

14. In this blessed day, i am praying for you and your family. May God always provide you with His blessings throughout every season

15. On this sacred day, may His ascension fill you with courage to face any challenge. When we are with Him, we are powerful and stronger.

Baca Juga: Kenaikan Yesus Kristus 2024 Tanggal Berapa? Temukan Jawabannya di Sini

4. Berikan ucapan yang personal

25 Ucapan Kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam Bahasa Inggrisilustrasi gereja (pexels.com/Thegiansepillo)

16. Happy Ascension Day to you and your family! May the joy of the Lord always fill your home.

17. To my dear friend, Happy Ascension Day! May your faith continue to grow and bear fruit.

18. Dear parents, Happy Ascension Day of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your love and guidance that always reflects God's commandments.

19. To all my fellow believers, Happy Ascension Day of Jesus Christ! May the Lord Jesus always bless us all with heavenly grace.

20. Let's celebrate the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ with a spirit of togetherness. Happy glorifying God in heaven!

5. Ucapan yang sederhana

25 Ucapan Kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam Bahasa InggrisGereja (pixabay.com/Skitterphoto)

21. Happy Ascension Day! May God bless you all through everything.

22. Let us all Rejoice! Jesus Christ has ascended to heaven.

23. Peace be with you on Ascension Day. Jesus bless you abundantly.

24. Maranatha! (Meaning: Come, Lord) - Happy Ascension Day.

25. Hallelujah, He has ascended for us all! Christ is victorious.

Nah, itulah tadi daftar 25 ucapan kenaikan Isa Almasih dalam Bahasa Inggris. Selamat menyambut hari spesial penuh berkat dan mari sebarkan kebaikan!

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