Descriptive Text: Definition, Main Purpose, Structure, and Example

Yang lagi belajar Bahasa Inggris, wajib baca, nih!

Ketika belajar pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, kamu akan menjumpai berbagai macam teks, salah satunya adalah teks deskripsi alias descriptive text.

Sesuai namanya, teks ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan objek, orang, maupun tempat. Namun, apakah kamu tahu seperti apa descriptive text itu?

Gak perlu bingung, IDN Times telah merangkum informasi tentang pengertian, struktur, hingga contoh dari teks yang satu ini. Check this out!

1. The definition of a descriptive text

Descriptive Text: Definition, Main Purpose, Structure, and Exampleilustrasi menulis ( Burden)

Kata descriptive sendiri termasuk ke dalam kelas adjective atau kata sifat. Cambridge Dictionary mendefinisikan descriptive sebagai "describing something, especially in a detailed, interesting way". Dalam bahasa Indonesia, artinya adalah mendeskripsikan sesuatu, terutama dalam cara yang detail dan menarik.

Ini berarti, descriptive text adalah sebuah teks yang deskriptif atau bersifat mendeskripsikan/mengilustrasikan. Lebih jelasnya, buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA Semester 2 menjelaskan bahwa descriptive text adalah sebuah teks yang menyuguhkan informasi tentang sesuatu secara spesifik.

2. The main purpose of a descriptive text

Descriptive Text: Definition, Main Purpose, Structure, and Exampleilustrasi teks ( Mund)

Dari namanya saja, tentu kamu sudah bisa menebak tujuan penulisan teks ini. Jadi, main purpose atau tujuan utama descriptive text adalah memberikan gambaran secara spesifik tentang orang, benda, ataupun tempat tertentu.

Namun, buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA Semester 2 menyebutkan bahwa jenis tulisan yang satu ini juga kerap dimanfaatkan dalam bidang periklanan, lho. Hal ini tentu gak mengejutkan karena teks deskripsi menyajikan informasi terkait tampak luar sebuah barang dengan detail.

Baca Juga: Perbedaan Am dan Pm dalam Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris 

3. Language features of a descriptive text

Descriptive Text: Definition, Main Purpose, Structure, and Exampleilustrasi teks ( Spratt)

Teks yang berbeda memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda pula, begitu juga dengan descriptive text. Dikutip dari buku Detik-Detik UNBK Bahasa Inggris oleh Bima, Kurniawati, dan Susiningsih (2017), adapun ciri-ciri descriptive text adalah

  • menggunakan kata benda tertentu (misalnya, house, chair, building, food, dan lain-lain);
  • menggunakan simple present tense (seperti, Italy has some famous Cities. One of them is Rome);
  • menggunakan berbagai macam kata sifat yang bersifat describing (deskripsi), numbering (jumlah), dan classifying (klasifikasi) (misalnya, large, various, numerous, dan approximately);
  • menggunakan kata kerja penghubung untuk memberikan informasi tentang subjek (seperti, is, am, are);
  • menggunakan kata kerja tindakan (contohnya, visit, grow, walk, serve, dan sebagainya); dan
  • menggunakan kata keterangan untuk memberi informasi tambahan (misalnya, on the island Madura).

Dari ciri-ciri tersebut, bisa kita lihat language features atau unsur kebahasaan sebuah descriptive text, yakni

  • terdapat noun atau kata benda;
  • terdapat adjective atau kata sifat;
  • adanya penggunaan simple tense;
  • adanya pemakaian action verb atau kata kerja tindakan; dan
  • terdapat figurative language atau bahasa kiasan yang memberikan ilustrasi kepada pembaca.

4. The generic structure of a descriptive text

Descriptive Text: Definition, Main Purpose, Structure, and Exampleilustrasi teks (

Sebuah descriptive text terdiri atas dua bagian penting, yaitu

  • Identification, merupakan bagian yang memperkenalkan kepada pembaca tentang orang, benda, ataupun tempat yang akan dideskripsikan.
  • Description, berisi informasi tentang ciri-ciri fisik, perilaku, kualitas, maupun rincian khusus lainnya dari orang, benda, ataupun tempat yang menjadi objek deskripsi.

Supaya lebih paham, kamu bisa melihat contoh descriptive text di bawah ini!

5. Examples of descriptive text

a. BTS V

Descriptive Text: Definition, Main Purpose, Structure, and ExampleV BTS (

V is a member of BTS, a South Korean boy group that recently has gone worldwide. "V" is actually his stage name, while his real one is Kim Taehyung.

Born on December 30, 1995, many people idolize him because of his mesmerizing face. As if everyone was bewitched by his brown eyes and straight nose.

Not to mention, V has a defined jawline making him look so manly. His height is, too, quite ideal, which is around 179 cm. No wonder he was ranked first in the "Top 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2017".

However, besides being head over heels for his amazing visual, some fans are actually fond of V's dancing and singing ability. In BTS, apart from being a Visual, he is also a Lead Dancer and Vocalist.

b. Easter Island

Descriptive Text: Definition, Main Purpose, Structure, and Examplemoai yang ada di Pulau Paskah ( Griggs)

Do you know Easter Island? Well, Easter Island is in the South Pacific, 37,000 kilometers from the coast of Chile. On the island, there are 600 large statues. We don't know who built them, but they were probably constructed between 1150 and 1500 BC. We don't really know why they are there, the Easter Island.

Norwegian explorer, Thor Heyerdahl, believed that they were built by people from South America. To prove this, he made a simple raft and sailed there, all the way from Peru.

Archaeologists think that the statues represent dead tribal leaders. We don't know why the statues left alone on the island. Perhaps they were killed by disease or war. Perhaps the builders used all the natural resources on the island. There are many unanswered questions about Easter Island.

Dikutip dari Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA Semester 2

6. Latihan soal tentang descriptive text

Descriptive Text: Definition, Main Purpose, Structure, and Exampleilustrasi menulis ( Filkins)

The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

Taka Bonerate-Kepulauan Selayar Biosphere Reserve is located in the south of Flores Sea, Java Sea and Banda Sea which belongs to Selayar Island Regency, South Sulawesi Province. It hosts the largest atoll in the Southeast Asia and the third largest in the world.

Coral reefs, mangroves, lagoons, sand dunes and seagrass are the main habitats of the reserves. Coral reefs cover 91,382 ha and act as a principal habitat for several species. Among the different kinds of coral reefs found on the islands are atoll reefs, fringing reefs and patch reefs.

Mangrove forests serve as a barrier against strong sea waves and consequently as a shelter and spawning ground for various types of fish, as well as a habitat for numerous species of fauna such as birds. The mangrove forests include 22 to 26 species from 14 families, such as Rhizophora stylosa and Ceriops tagal.

The reserve has a high level of biodiversity including several of protected and threatened marine fauna species such as scale turtles, hawksbill turtles, green turtles, napoleon fish, dolphins and fin whales. There are also 34 species of birds, consisting of 12 land bird species, 13 shore bird species and 9 species of seabirds.

The reserve has a total population of approximately 125,000 inhabitants of which 6,700 live in the core area. This is mainly due to the local community inhabited the core area prior to its designation as a national park. Selayar island is inhabited by a variety of local and ethnic immigrants of which the Selayar are the major group. Other ethnic groups include Bugis, Bajo, Buton, and ethnic Chinese. The principal economy activity is fishery followed by tourism.

Dikutip dari Detik-Detik UNBK Bahasa Inggris oleh Bima, Kurniawati, dan Susiningsih (2017)

1. Which of the following is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe Taka Bonerate.

B. To show the biodiversity in Taka Bonerate.

C. To inform about people living in Selayar Island

D. To tell the readers about flora and fauna in Taka Bonerate.

E. To state the writer's opinion of Taka Bonerate.


2. From the text, we know that ...

A. Taka Bonerate has the largest atoll in the world.

B. there are about ten species of mangrove forests.

C. the atoll reefs are the only reefs in Taka Bonerate.

D. tourism is the main economic sector in Selayar Island.

E. protected and threatened Marathon I'll leave in Taka Bonerate.


3. What makes the reserve interesting to visit?

A. Its culture.

B. Its people.

C. Its marine life.

D. Its achievable access.

E. Its various kinds of birds.

Kamu sudah baca ulasan tentang descriptive text, mulai dari pengertian sampai contohnya. Jangan lupa bagikan informasi tadi ke teman-temanmu supaya mereka juga paham, ya!

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