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20 Ucapan Bahasa Inggris Selamat Malam, Kalimat Romantis Juga Ada!

Pas buat ucapan selamat malam untuk pacar

ilustrasi melihat ponsel sebelum tidur (pexels.com/cottonbro)

Tidak hanya selamat pagi, memberikan ucapan selamat malam juga bisa membuat seseorang merasa spesial. Mana tahu ucapan selamat malam yang kamu kirimkan bisa menghibur mereka yang menjalani hari kurang baik.

Berikut beberapa pilihan ucapan bahasa Inggris selamat malam yang bisa dikirim pada orang terdekatmu. Perhatian kecil ini mungkin mendatangkan kebahagiaan yang besar buat mereka. Simak daftarnya dari IDN Times berikut ini ya.

Baca Juga: 25 Ucapan untuk Orang Melahirkan, Penuh Makna dan Doa

1. Mengirim ucapan selamat malam romantis untuk pasangan, buat hatinya berbunga-bunga sebelum tidur

ilustrasi pasangan romantis (pexels.com/khoa vo)

"Thousands of stars have illuminated the night sky, just like your presence in my life. Good night, to the love of my life."

"The best way you can be assured of a sweet dream is dreaming about me. Good tight!"

"Hold your phone tightly as this text message is a warm hug from me. Wishing you a good night & sweet dreams!"

"For me, the only truth in life is you and your love. When I wake up every morning, all I want is you to start over a new day. Good night!"

2. Sedikit pujian membuat mereka yang menjalani hari yang berat kembali semangat

ilustrasi melihat ponsel sebelum tidur (pexels.com/cottonbro)

"You tried your best. You really did a good job going through this rough day. Take a rest and sleep to fight a new battle. Good night!"

"Never let the darkness or negativity outside affect your inner self. Just wait until morning comes and the bright light will drown out the darkness. Nighty night!"

"I hope my good night text makes you smile and make it obvious that you matter. I hope you have a great day ahead, rest yourself well."

"You are perfect with your every imperfection. Good night my love!"

Baca Juga: 20 Ucapan Selamat Tidur dalam Bahasa Inggris, Bisa Kirim ke Gebetan

3. Ingatkan mereka kalau hari esok bisa lebih baik dari hari ini!

ilustrasi tidur (pexels.com/polina kovaleva)

"This is the end of the day but soon there will be a new day. Good night!"

"No matter how bad the day was, always try to end it with positive thoughts. Try to focus on the next day and hope for a sweet dream. Good night."

"May you have sound sleep and wake up tomorrow with new hopes and a lot of positive energy. Good night to you!"

"Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what's done is done. Embrace your dreams, through the night. Tomorrow comes with a whole new light."

4. Jangan lupakan sahabat yang selalu ada di sisimu, beri perhatian dengan mengirimkan ucapan selamat malam

ilustrasi menginap bersama sahabat (pexels.com/koolshooters)

"Boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but our friendship will forever radiantly glow. Good night friend."

"The only reason I have the sweetest of dreams is that I look forward to spending the next day with awesome friends like you. Good night."

"I know I take you for granted every now and then even though you are my bestie, but being alone every night reminds me of how precious you are to me. Good night and have a good dream!"

"In life, success is not always measured by how big you can dream. Real success, is often measured by the number of friends you can share your dreams with. Good night my friend."

Baca Juga: 20 Ide Ucapan Selamat Pagi dalam Bahasa Inggris, Gak Mager Seharian!

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